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The pirate princess
Books On Demand - EAN : 9782322437290
Édition papier
EAN : 9782322437290
Paru le : 20 juin 2022
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de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9782322437290
- Réf. éditeur : 226359
- Editeur : Books On Demand
- Date Parution : 20 juin 2022
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 64
- Format : H:220 mm L:170 mm E:4 mm
- Poids : 129gr
- Résumé : In the distant kingdom of Gotland, young princess Alwilda's only dream was leaving for adventure. As she was trying to flee from home, she was stopped by the capitain of the guard, who explained that at the age of ten, she was not prepared for the many dangers she would have to face. Realizing that he was right, she promised not to leave before being ready, and made him promise to prepare her for that. Over the years, she became an expert in the art of handling a sword, a gun or a knife, as well as a talented horsewoman. When she reached the age of majority, she learnt the day before her birthday that she was to marry Prince Thorvald from the kingdom of Sarema. Refusing this marriage, she ran away from the kingdom with the capitain of the guard, her friend. They embarked on a merchant ship which was attacked on the way by pirates. When you read this story, you will follow the adventures that will end up making Alwilda "the pirate princess".
- Biographie : Je suis technicienne de laboratoire. J'aime lire et écrire des contes, des romans, et des romans policiers. The pirate princess est le premier des mes livres que BoD va éditer. Il existe aussi en français avec l'ISBN n°9782322426034