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Filosphere - EAN : 9782918566816
Édition papier
EAN : 9782918566816
Paru le : 15 mai 2024
22,00 €
20,85 €
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9782918566816
- Editeur : Filosphere
- Date Parution : 15 mai 2024
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 356
- Format : H:210 mm L:150 mm E:26 mm
- Poids : 480gr
Résumé :
Voici enfin la traduction en anglais du roman LA JUSTE PAROLE, version intégrale, c'est à dire les deux tomes réunis en un seul.
In the form of an uchronic tale, this theo-fiction novel tackles the concept of religion, inspired by certain monotheisms.
But the word "god" is not mentioned once.
In a world that could be ours, an artificial religion becomes, from antiquity to the modern era, the dominant spiritual current, shaping human society with its precepts, laws, power games, charismatic guides, its opponents, its inquisition and its wars.
But faith, whatever the validity of its original nature, generates as much good as evil, and governs for the best and for the worst the destiny of men, consciously or unconsciously, through centuries of generations.
The prophet announced that at the end of the seventh age, the Comet of Mand will pass and mark the coming of the Redeemer, the Righteous of the Righteous.
In the modern era, Dhorès, a disillusioned journalist, will finally discover this exceptional being, the “carrier of souls“, and will have to choose between the immediate chaos or a long agony of the perverted world.
But in the shadows, mysterious strangers could tip everything.