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The She-King (The Consecrated Life of Elizabeth I of England)
Books On Demand - EAN : 9782322474561
Édition papier
EAN : 9782322474561
Paru le : 29 sept. 2023
34,99 €
33,17 €
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Du Lundi au vendredi
de 9h à 18h
- EAN13 : 9782322474561
- Réf. éditeur : 305598
- Editeur : Books On Demand
- Date Parution : 29 sept. 2023
- Disponibilite : Disponible
- Barème de remise : NS
- Nombre de pages : 608
- Format : H:226 mm L:160 mm E:45 mm
- Poids : 1.105kg
- Résumé : "SHE only was a KING, and knew how to govern. How to support the dignity of her crown, and the repose and weal of her subjects, required the course she had taken": such was the tribute of Henry IV, King of France, to Elizabeth I, Queen of England. This essay by Jacqueline Q. Louison is the second edition of "The She-King". It highlights a consecrated life to "duty". It establishes a subtle distinction between overpraise and discredit.
- Biographie : A retired teacher of English, Jacqueline Q. LOUISON has published twelve books of fiction and poetry. Holder of a Doctorate in Letters, Foreign Languages and Literatures, having presented a Master degree on Toni Morrison and a thesis entitled The Puritans and the Foundation of the United States of America, she continues to study, with more and more enthusiasm, the unfoldment of the human race.