This Side of Paradise

EAN : 9791041807222
Édition papier

EAN : 9791041807222

Paru le : 14 juin 2023

21,90 € 20,76 €
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  • EAN13 : 9791041807222
  • Réf. éditeur : 290904
  • Date Parution : 14 juin 2023
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 338
  • Format : H:210 mm L:148 mm E:18 mm
  • Poids : 438gr
  • Résumé : This Side of Paradise chronicles the coming of age of Amory Blaine, born to a wealthy midwestern family. It begins with Amory as a spoiled youth, doted on by his eccentric mother Beatrice. It follows him as he attends preparatory school and Princeton, and then briefly attempts but quickly abandons at a career in advertising. His service in World War I is mentioned but mostly glossed over. Covered in much more detail are his various romances: youthful dalliances, a correspondence-based relationship that ends as soon as the couple spends time together in person, a deep love with the debutante sister of one of his close friends, and an intense summer fling. The book shows Amory's attempts to define himself as a person and find his place in a world rapidly changing through World War, the "Jazz Age," and Prohibition. It provides the reader with a good picture of what life was like for a privileged young man of the era. F. Scott Fitzgerald's first novel, This Side of Paradise was published in 1920 when he was 23 years old, and was widely praised by critics. The semi-autobiographical work launched his career as one of America's most well-known writers. As a direct result of the publishing of the novel, Zelda Sayre (the inspiration for the character of the debutante Rosalind Connage) agreed to marry Fitzgerald. The couple became an icon of the excesses of the Jazz Age.
  • Biographie : Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 - December 21, 1940) was an American novelist, essayist, short story writer and screenwriter. He was best known for his novels depicting the flamboyance and excess of the Jazz Age—a term he popularized. During his lifetime, he published four novels, four story collections, and 164 short stories. Although he achieved temporary popular success and fortune in the 1920s, Fitzgerald received critical acclaim only after his death and is now widely regarded as one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century.
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