EAN : 9791041807345
Édition papier

EAN : 9791041807345

Paru le : 25 juin 2023

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  • EAN13 : 9791041807345
  • Réf. éditeur : 291678
  • Date Parution : 25 juin 2023
  • Disponibilite : Disponible
  • Barème de remise : NS
  • Nombre de pages : 584
  • Format : 3.10 x 14.80 x 21.00 cm
  • Poids : 745gr
  • Résumé : Gilliat is an accomplished sailor, but due to a mysterious mother and a home locally regarded as haunted, his acceptance into Guernsey society is limited. That isolation doesn't stop him from falling for Déruchette, the "neat and delicate and pretty" niece of local ferry-owner Mess Lethierry. When the ship is involved in a catastrophic incident, Déruchette announces that she will marry the man who can salvage it; Gilliat immediately steps forwards to take on, alone, the impossible task. Victor Hugo wrote Toilers of the Sea while living on Guernsey, in the Channel Islands. It followed his extremely successful novel Les Misérables, both written there after exile from France for criticizing Napoleon's 1851 coup d'état. The themes of individual struggle and triumph over the wild forces of nature are easily seen as a corollary for the industrialization happening in the society of the time, but the novel also records the contemporary life, language, and superstitions of the Channel Islands. The edition is based on the authorized translation of 1877 by William Moy Thomas.
  • Biographie : Né à Besançon en 1802, Victor Hugo est très vite apparu comme le chef de l'école romantique. Élu à l'Académie française en 1841, il est membre de l'Assemblée législative en 1849 et député de Paris en 1871. Quand Victor Hugo meurt, à 83 ans, il a droit à des funérailles nationales et une immense foule l'accompagne. Il laisse une oeuvre inégalée.
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